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1973 University of Delaware: Hypnosis & Time Regression: Fact or Imagination?

1973 Marciarose Show: Human Consciousness

1975 Barry Magarick Show: Human Consciousness

1979 Valley Center: Vocational Rehabilitation of CETA Workers

1988 Cultural values and creative expression: Japanese and American management models. Accepted for presentation at the First International Conference on Work  Values, Budapest, Hungary, June 26-29, 1988.

1991 The myths of healing: A summary of research into transpersonal healing experiences. Paper presented at the World Conference of Spiritual Healers, Hall in Tirol, Austria, May 11-12.

1992 The myths of healing: A summary of research into transpersonal healing experiences. Presented at the Second International Congress on the Energetic Body of Man, Paris, France, March 20-22.

1997 Willow Grove United Methodist Church: Healing and the Mind.

1998 Willow Grove United Methodist Church: The Internet as an Informational Tool

1998 (Nov.5) Pennsylvania National Association of Rehabilitation Professionals in the Private Sector (NARPS): Biofeedback in Rehabilitation: Past, Present & Future

1999 Discovery through Psychological Investigation: Defense of a Disability Claimant presented at the conference of the American College of Forensic Examiners, Waldorf-Astoria, New York, NY. New York, NY. (October 30, 1999): American College of Forensic Examiners: Springfield, MO.

2000 (3/27) Willow Grove United Methodist Church: Consciousness, Prayer and Healing Effects: Scientific Studies.

2000 “Healing: State of the Science”, Wake Forrest University (October 28, 2000) sponsored by Laurence S. Rockefeller and the Rockefeller Family Foundation, Duke University, Wake Forrest University. Wayne B. Jonas, M.D., Coordinator, former Director of NIH Office of Alternative Medicine.

2001 Interviewed and quoted in Depression: Down but not out. Marina Benjamin .

2002 (4/28) Delaware County Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (CLE) Presentation. "Psychological Evaluation as an Asset in Criminal Rehabilitation Planning and Plea Bargaining."


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The purpose of the content is to educate, inform and recommend. Under no circumstances is it meant to replace the expert care and advice of a qualified professional as rapid advances in medicine may cause information to become outdated, invalid or subject to debate. Accuracy cannot be guaranteed. Dr. Cooperstein assumes no responsibility for how information, products and books presented are used and does not warrant or guarantee the content, accuracy or veracity of any linked sites. Dr. Cooperstein  makes no guarantee to any representations made by listings in professionals or support services directories.

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Last updated: June 26, 2011 12:55 PM